We’re so glad to see you
CBYX Alumni is a well-established network made up of nearly 40 years of Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange cohorts, eager to help you maintain existing relationships and build new ones.
A shared love for Germany, its people and culture, gained through our common experience of CBYX program participation, is at the heart of everything we do.
Latest News
Welcome to our New Community
On behalf of the entire CBYX Alumni Board, we’d like welcome all of our fellow alumni to our new virtual community space. Learn all about our new platform and join in the conversation.
We will gather June 17th and 18th in Washington D.C. to celebrate 40 years of goodwill and friendship made possible by the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange. Please see the Eventbrite page for the agenda! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cbyx-alumni-celebrate-40-years-of-friendship-and-exchange-tickets-888642181687?aff=oddtdtcreator
Support CBYXAA, Get Involved!
CBYX AA is a volunteer-run organztion toay. We are seeking alum support to work with us on fundraising, design, website development, community curation, social media…. Interested? Please introduce yourself: cbyxboard@gmail.com
Giving Thanks
In those moments that give color to our time in Germany—those which shape our shared experience—it’s made clear why our CBYX Alumni Association is so important. So this Thanksgiving, we’re giving thanks for you, our members.
Alumni Stories
'Wir lernen Deutsch, OK?!': Kevin Yount (YP, '96-'97) reflects on ambiguity and learning to be ok with it

Make a donation
CBYX Alumni Association is a 501(c)3 and we rely on your support to bring you programming such as our live and virtual events. Show your support by contributing today. As a non-profit, your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Contact us
You can also reach us at info (at) cbyxalumni (dot) org.